Category Archives: movies



Hollywood seems to remake a lot of movies: old movies, new movies,  bad movies, good movies, …

They should remake the Elvis movies.

I could be wrong; I usually am.


note: I wouldn’t mind seeing a few remakes of all those Kurt Russell Disney movies either!
He was pretty good as Jungle Boy on Gilligan’s Island.

double note: doing extensive research, it seems Kurt Russell‘s first movie role was actually in an Elvis movie: It Happened at the World’s Fair.
… and he’s played an Elvis impersonator later in life in 3000 Miles to Graceland. … and a few other things before that.
… conspiracy theorists get to work!


what I’m listening to now #29:  heat blasting out from kerosene heaters … strategically placed facing at me … in my general direction.

Harry Potter


It’s easy to pretend to be Harry Potter in Japan

… most of the time I have two wands in hand

… while I eat.


note: there were about 40 different “costume play” people at one of the places Mr. Pettit  gigs at … wearing all sorts of anime costumes … but these 2 were the nicest out of all of them. We interrupted them as they were eating their lunch and they happily set down their riceballs, took a quick check in their mirrors, and produced their wands for the photo.


Today #195

Today smelled like summer … but I caught a whiff of January on me.

Bond Villains


If I were a Bond Villain, I think I’d rent instead of buying;

… because Bond is just going to blow the stuff up anyway.


note: if James Bond had a middle name, it should be Avings. hee hee!

double note:

triple note: why isn’t the ultimate villain in a Bond movie ever a woman? … or a kid? … or Amish? … or Canadian?


Today #193

Today I wrote a big fat blog about Bond Villains’ houses and stuff at work, and then thought of a one sentence blog that basically gets the same point across, on the drive home from work.
Sometimes I have to write things down to not use them.

Meandering With A Purpose


Sometimes it feel like I’m falling down a hole

… other times it just feels like I’m lying in a pipe.

I guess I shouldn’t take the shortcut through the construction site on the way home from the bar.


note: abandoned construction sites usually have new buildings on them.

double note: holes appear naturally, it makes no sense to dig them.

triple note: usually when I lie in a pipe … it’s about how I got in the pipe.


Today #138

Today I’m finally watching “Withnail & I“. “My thumbs have gone weird.” … I like it already. Thanks S. Le!

Citizen Kane


It’s just a hunch, but …

Citizen Kane would probably be a more famous movie if it was called “Citizen Titty Lip Service”.


note: I’m sure this is a hamster character’s name in one of Tooty Nolan‘s books. … or it should be!

double note: I should read shopping centre directories more often.

triple note: I was watched outside of “Citizen” and remained mute around “Lip Service“, but I couldn’t resist “Titty & Co.“.

quadruple note:What’s in fashion this season?


Today #118

Today rolled off the tongue like some German word I can’t pronounce.

A Bad Idea


Tarzan’s “sirloincloth” was a bad idea.


note: why isn’t a loincloth called a groincloth?

double note: if Tarzan called the chimp Cheeta, what did he call the cheetahs? …  Spots? … or didn’t he get around to naming them?

triple note:I see Spots. Let’s get the hell out of the Eric Hill section of the kids’ library!

quadruple note: I bet you thought that I forgot how to draw!
You are so wrong! I never could draw, so how could I forget!


Today #96

I waited all day for today to turn into tomorrow, but I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that to happen.
… or is this a “pee in the corner of a round room” type phenomena?

Atlantean, Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean, Gargantuan, Herculean, Homeric, Abysmal, Amplitudinous, Astronomic, Astronomical, Awesome, Boundless, Bulky, Colossal, Cosmic, Cyclopean, Elephantine, Enormous, Epic, Extensive, Galactic, Gargantuan, Giant, Giantlike, Gigantic, Ginormous, Heroic, Huge, Immeasurable, Immense, Infinite, Jumbo, King-size, Large, Mammoth, Massive, Massy, Mighty, Monster, Monstrous, Monumental, Mountainous, Outsize, Overgrown, Prodigious, Profound, Sizable, Spacious, Stupendous, Towering, Tremendous, Vast, Voluminous, Weighty


Why don’t cruise ships use the name “Titanic”?

Sure, it may have had negative connotations in the past, but …

that movie must be 10 years old now!!!


note: Why can someone be shipwrecked, but not car crashed or bicycle accidented?

double note: someone should write a Titanic book from the iceberg’s perspective … maybe a pop-up book!

triple note: Leonardo DiCaprisizing???

cannote: yes, I did use the word “connotation” in this entry. I thought I’d forgotten that word … some other word must have made me think of it.

quadruple note: I added a word to the list of synonyms for “titanic” in the title. Can you guess which one? hee hee!


Mean Things I Say About People #4

She could never be shipwrecked … she’d be marooned.

Cardboard Display People: Revisited


I don’t have children.
Never did.
I can’t watch them grow up.

I don’t usually take photos of my students.
Never did.
I don’t see too much change in them from week to week.

… But the adorable cardboard cutout girl, Nozomi Ohashi, has come to visit again!

Cardboard cutout children just grow up so fast, don’t they?


note: I bet if she had some pituitary gland abnormality, and grew like crazy, she would lose this lucrative contract.
… Hey! cardboard is expensive!!!

double note: the original post from last year is here.

triple note: I never did get the cardboard cutout last year. I “rock, paper, and scissored” for her, with some other person who wanted her, and won; but the other guy was just a little bit too disappointed … so I gave it to him. What a weirdo!

quadruple note: this year I’m getting her for sure!


Today #68

Today at work was like a morgue, but at least there were handles on my side.

Landmarked Up


I’m glad there are landmarks:

… if there weren’t, I wouldn’t know what cities were being destroyed in all those disaster movies.


note: In the event a of catastrophic human extinction type natural disaster, I’m going to Disneyland … because it never gets wiped out in those disaster movies.
… probably there wouldn’t be any line-ups either.

double note: are there any seamarks?

triple note: Dr. Mori is a landmark of sorts for people driving by the city where I live. I still don’t know what the hell he is selling!


Today #43

Today left me scratching my head … or maybe the student with headlice did.

Old Mother Hubbard


I find myself threadbare and all elbowpatchy.

I’m taking an intermission … for intermissionary reasons.

Please enjoy other people’s popcorn until I find my own again.


note: I’ll still be around, but not so circley … I guess.

double note: humming the theme song to Lawrence of Arabia may help.


Today #7

Today smelt like smelts.