Midlife Crisis

life takes a wrong turn


I don’t think I’ve had a “midlife crisis” yet.

Does that mean I’m going to live a long time?


note: Do pregnant women have “midwife crisises“?

double note: Do prisoners have “midlife sentence crisises“?

triple note: The only midlife crisis I’ve had was when I had too many children to fit into the little plastic car while playing “Life“.

quadruple note:

“I must have made a wrong turn somewhere. I think we are in some kind of safari park. I knew we shouldn’t have bought this damn convertible!”



11 responses to “Midlife Crisis

  1. Well, you had me going UNTIL you mentioned the convertible! Now you are trapped in the midlife crisis scenario! Join the club! I drive a 1991 Mazda Miata convertible! Am I in a midlife crisis? hahahahahahahah

  2. I’ve had The Game Of Life midlife crisis, where I seemed to pop out a kid on every spin. I usually just got a second car to move each turn. Or, if enough people were playing to take up all the cars, I would get a Barbie doll or some other toy to babysit all my kids next to the game board while my husband and I continued along.

  3. I think Lance Armstrong is suffering from a mid-life cycle crisis (will he EVER quit?!?)

    As for me, forever afflicted by a mid-size crisis… 🙂

  4. Being in a convertable in a Safari Park would be a REALLY BAD THING! It would probably be the end of the game (of Life).

  5. thanks for the laugh, I needed that at the end of today. funny mix of board games. haha

  6. Midlife Crisis?? Yes, yes, yes!! Pooh wouldn’t be concerned with a midlife crisis, but Rabbit would. I’m a “Rabbit”.
    BTW, which one are you?

  7. You’ll know you’re having a mid-life crisis when you trade in the vagi-van for something red and sporty with no room for kids.

  8. Thanks for all the comments.

    Doraz: Why don’t the little cars in “The Game of Life” have seatbelts? It’s a pretty big design flaw. hee hee!
    I drive a non-convertible van: I’ve tried to convert it in to a boat, rocketship, and a few different religions … but it never works. hee hee!

    megan: It sounds like you are a serious Game of Life gamer!! hee hee!

    nathaliewithanh: Lance Armstrong is in a “recycling crisis” maybe.
    I’m still not over my personal “Suez Canal Crisis“. hee hee!

    S. Le: You are singing to the choir on this one.
    Maybe driving a motorcycle through a Safari Park would be ok if you wore a helmet.

    sweetiegirlz: thanks. I needed Pooh and his friends so I could use that Safari Park stuff. hee hee!

    Tammy: I’ve been thinking about your comment and the best I can come up with is … I’m probably a “Happy Eeyore“.

    epicurienne: Oh! I don’t think think I could fit any kids in my van! I haven’t tried, but I’m sure there would be no room. hee hee!
    Are you saying the van isn’t sporty?

  9. Good question, Ross! I hate that game because, like you said, those cars are TOOOOO small to fit those stupid game pieces in! LOL

  10. I am finding midlife to be a very interesting time of re-examining where I’ve been, how it’s molded me, reconnecting with really old friends on Facebook, coming up with new ideas for things I want to do when I grow up, dating, parenting… life is full and fun and messy and interesting and not as one-dimensional as just a need to preserve my youth (although that’s there too – – Botox is looking better and better).

  11. inthemidblogger: thanks for stopping by! I’d forgotten about this post.

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