Questions And Answers

It's a Wonderful Life

“There are no stupid hypothetical questions; only stupid hypothetical answers.”


note: Can hypothetical questions be eliminated with hyposuction?

double note: Are hypothetical needles used on hypochondriacs?

triple note: Hypothermic needles are for cold shots, I assume.

quadruple note: Who actually looks for needles in haystacks?  I’m still trying to get struck by lightning!

quintuple note:if” is the middle word in “life“, but it’s also the middle word in wife, shifty, and rift. It’s also almost the middle word in cauliflower too!

sextuple note: If you are dyslexic, is “if” the middle word in donutfilling, refill, and poolfilter?

septuple note: ask stupid hypothetical questions here .

octuple note: Isn’t “It’s a Wonderful Life” the best movie ever?

nonuple note: image from here, but not originally.

decuple note: I had to look up “nonuple” and “decuple“.

5 responses to “Questions And Answers

  1. “There are no stupid hypothetical questions; only irritating people asking them.”

  2. Are there stupid hypothetical questions? I’m just asking that hypothetically.

    It makes sense that “if” should be in the middle of all of those words when you think about it.

    I bow to your logic.

  3. Just noticed your Twitter Batman Chronicles. They are inspired. Inspired is a nice word for strange and demented.

  4. Oh, yes! I’ve noticed the Batman Chronicles also. I wonder ‘if” Alfred would enjoy the “Felicity” DVD box set instead. I’m not sure if dyslexics can get past the first consonant to even recognize the “fi”.

  5. Thanks for all the comments.

    razzbuffnik: But what if …. oh nevermind.

    S. Le: please no bowing. I’m not royalty or anything … yet! Sir Ross: it has a nice ring to it. Is there a Sir Loin?

    note: my friend Mr. Pettit introduced me to Twitter … and then I thought of a way to be stupid on it. Mr. Pettit seems to like this idea for some reason … which is unusual.

    Tammy: Alfred is a man of strange tastes. “Felicity” could be a good alternative.

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