Tag Archives: hot shots

Questions And Answers

It's a Wonderful Life

“There are no stupid hypothetical questions; only stupid hypothetical answers.”


note: Can hypothetical questions be eliminated with hyposuction?

double note: Are hypothetical needles used on hypochondriacs?

triple note: Hypothermic needles are for cold shots, I assume.

quadruple note: Who actually looks for needles in haystacks?  I’m still trying to get struck by lightning!

quintuple note:if” is the middle word in “life“, but it’s also the middle word in wife, shifty, and rift. It’s also almost the middle word in cauliflower too!

sextuple note: If you are dyslexic, is “if” the middle word in donutfilling, refill, and poolfilter?

septuple note: ask stupid hypothetical questions here .

octuple note: Isn’t “It’s a Wonderful Life” the best movie ever?

nonuple note: image from here, but not originally.

decuple note: I had to look up “nonuple” and “decuple“.

