Tag Archives: T.S. Eliot

Day Breaks


Yesterday I spent a halfternoon cleaning and the other halfternoon shopping.

Having 2 halfternoons is very productive:

… it really breaks the day up.


note: havetonoons suck.

double note: I can’t wait for summer weekends … so I can do nothing for longer again.

triple note: I’m just a motivational listener.


notes to myself #129

The older you get the less elders you have to listen to.

Mr. Jones And Me …


are now 45!!!!

I’m the same age as a gun, an obsolete vinyl musical thing, a popular angle, and the guy who crushed that other guy’s head using a car door.

… oh!  and Vinnie Jones  too!


note: I’m sure he’s written a post about me entitled “Mr. Janes And Me …

double note: I’ll dare to eat a peach for a while longer.

triple note: if someone told me 20 years ago that I would be 45 in 20 years … I’d have probably agreed … stubbornly.

quadruple note: references to “Mr. Jones” by Counting Crows, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T. S. Eliot are referred to referencially.
How can I refer to something if it’s my first time? I think I just “ferred” to them.

quintuple note: is someone counting crows or is there a counting crow out there somewhere?


notes to myself #102

People don’t think it’s funny when you refer to January 4th as “My Birthday Eve“.

A No-Brainer

"Mistah Kurtz - he dead"


I’m not a straw man;

… they make me burp.


note: scarecrows are for scaredy cats … or maybe not. 

(this one just gets more confusing if you really think about it … but you probably don’t want to delve too deep into this … delving is too much like needlelessly looking in haystacks)

double note: The ruby slippers are working fine. You are home.

triple note: I’m off for another adventure this weekend! … so I think I’m saying that I won’t be around in a circular way possibly. Have a good one!


notes to myself #29

The poetry courses you take in university come in handy when you are captioning photos for something called a “blog” later in life.