Day Breaks


Yesterday I spent a halfternoon cleaning and the other halfternoon shopping.

Having 2 halfternoons is very productive:

… it really breaks the day up.


note: havetonoons suck.

double note: I can’t wait for summer weekends … so I can do nothing for longer again.

triple note: I’m just a motivational listener.


notes to myself #129

The older you get the less elders you have to listen to.

5 responses to “Day Breaks

  1. That looks like a bullet stuck in the back of your car. Did you get shot at by the Yakuza???

  2. …but then you become one of the old bastards who repeats stories ad nauseam!

  3. The last one did the job !! ‘ The older you get the less elders you have to listen to ‘ !

  4. Only problem with that thing about listening to elders is that pretty soon you are one… then you end up listening to one all the time!

  5. Thanks for the comments.

    Tony: Life was driving in front of me; the lock was locked as usual. Welcome back.

    S. Le: I do that now! … I’m doomed.

    Tasneem R: I hope I have some good advice when I get really old … that no one will listen to. hee hee!

    Donald Diddams: ah the circle of life! … or a whirlpool maybe. hee hee!

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