No Free Lunch

Argentina 2007

I’m not looking for a “free lunch” out of life …

but second helpings and an extra dessert would be nice!


note: I think I have food poisoning.

double note: this is no time to diet!

triple note: “life is like lunch: there is a long nap afterwards.”

quadruple note: some days I think I’ve been over seasoned.

quintuple note: the spice of life sure isn’t oregano. It isn’t from Oregon either; although I hear it’s a nice place to live.

sextuple note:  photo from March 2007 in Argentina. It seems like a long time ago. (sad face)

4 responses to “No Free Lunch

  1. You’re a sexy BEAST, mister!

    I like your triple note, that is so profound.

  2. ‘Meh’…it’s a nice pic. Your typical buff guy standing beside an oversized wine bottle. But please don’t EVER change your blog image. When I’m having a crappy day, it always cheers me up to see planetross’ head in a trashcan. 🙂

    Did you get food poisoning in Argentina? And what is a sofa casket? I just had to ask.

  3. Thanks for the comments.

    sweetiegirlz: I thought that note was pretty good too. I am no longer a sexy beast; I’m just a beast now!
    note: great photos on the 2009 holiday destinations! Thanks!

    Tammy: I will never change my avatar! I did once for a few days (another photo of me sticking my head in something), but it just didn’t fit. That photo is on my “me” page.
    No food poisoning in Argentina, unless food poisoning is another name for over eating awesome food!
    A “sofa casket” is just the sofa that I have a nap on after lunch. I guess it kind of goes with “triple note”.
    I don’t really call it a sofa casket; that would be creepy. But the people that thought up “death bed” are pretty creepy!

  4. Drink a bottle that big, you won’t care about lunch!

    S. Le: All I can say is … “Supersize me Senor!

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