
If clothes companies can make really warm clothes, why do people need to heat their houses so much?


note: save electricity – eat cookie dough.
         save electricity – drink ice cream.
         save electricity – shower with a friend.
         save electricity – for a rainy day.
         save electricity – there be dark days afore us.
         save electricity – plant a lightbulb. Go Green. Save the Earth. And all that stuff.

double note: photo taken in Antarctica in 2006.



7 responses to “Heat

  1. What good will a picture do?

    cherikooka: not much good now that I look at that note again. I’ve edited it out.

  2. The simple answer is: do you want to get out of the shower at 6am and put on that spiffy outfit you’re wearing in the picture? Me neither.

  3. People in the tropics don’t wear warm clothes or heat there houses.

    All joking aside, I can remember thinking during my first winter in Toronto Canada, “how come the first settlers stayed there when all they had to do is head south and live there instead?”

    The winters really put me off living in Canada.

  4. My Dad never knew that you had to pay for heat when he grew up in warm Sydney Australia.

    When he moved to Canada and saw his first heat bill, he refused to use electric heat after that and we all walked around the house in our jumpers (sweaters). As razzbuffnik pointed out, I’m sure glad we grew up on the West Coast where winters are much milder than elsewhere in Canada. -30 without heat doesn’t seem like a good time to me (even with warm clothes 😉 .

  5. Monsieur won’t let me turn the heating on because of the gas fiasco here. The gas companies made a fortune in the past fiscal year so instead of passing that on to their loyal customers, they’ve put up our bills by about 20%! What do I do? I wear a fleece at home. Cooking also keeps me warm if I open the oven door to ‘check the food’ from time to time. I haven’t yet resorted to star jumps, but Blue Monkey says that’s not necessary just yet.

  6. Thanks for all the comments.

    cherikooka: thanks for the comment. I’ve edited out the second note; I guess I misplaced my funnybone when I wrote that.

    jimsmuse: who showers at 6 am? I think that would lead to madness. In the middle of winter, I seriously have to psych myself up to get into the shower. (I have no heat in my bathroom)

    razzbuffnik: I think Kelly Pettit’s comment speaks for me as well; except for the Australian father part.
    Although the West Coast of Canada is a lot warmer than Central Canada, it’s also a lot cloudier and rainy.
    People in places with cold winters must like those 4 seasons an awful lot.

    Kelly Pettit: what’s your father’s view on air-conditioning?

    epicurienne: cooking with an oven is a good way to keep warm; microwaves aren’t so good though.

  7. Why do I live in the north? Hmmm. For the duvets I suppose.

    -Turkish Prawn

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